Here I have explained how we can hide our password inside the Entry widget in Tkinter library. We need to call one parameter name "show" inside the Entry widget which will help us a lot.
# Importing the module name Tkinter
from tkinter import *
win = Tk()
# This Entry widget will accept the password from user. pas = Entry(win, show = "*") = 70,y = 0)
lab = Label(win, text = "Password :") = 0, y = 0) def mark() : if var.get() == 1 : pas.configure(show = "") elif var.get() == 0 : pas.configure(show = "*") var = IntVar()
# I have used check button for my convenience.
# This will help us to to enable or disable the hiding the password. bt = Checkbutton(win, command = mark, offvalue = 0, onvalue = 1, variable = var) = 170, y = 0) win.mainloop()
