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Updated: Jan 11, 2021

As this my first project of my life in the field programming. I am studying in class 12 only. So, don't expect it as a heavy program.

The script is fully written on Python and it also designed python's Graphical User Interface(GUI). Its a very simple application which helps to see your annual budget in different graphical form. So that you can control your expenses. It also have facility for creating accounts, so that every individual user of the application using it from a same system maintain their privacy. Even inside the application you can change your password and usernames. All the data of your private information and including data of your regular expenses is stored in the database MySQL. You also don't need to worry if anyone opens the database and checks the password of your account because I have encrypted the personal data into UTF-8(Unicode Transformation Format) protection and then stored in the database using 'base64' module. At the end of the program you will three options for graph i.e. Line Graph, Bar Chart and Pie Chart. The program is written by keeping the necessary needs of peoples.

The size of the script is 56Kb, which is comparatively more than all the students of my class. I have also include a READ ME text file and a video of the working of the project, so please check before running the script.

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Updated: Mar 31, 2020

This program will help you to insert any PyPlot graphs inside Tkinter window. First we are creating a figure using matplotlib library. Then we are creating an object inside the figure using the command "add_subplot()". Now we can use that object for plotting graphs. Here I have used line graph but you can use pie or bar graph instead of line graph.

But here is a problem that we cannot directly embed that figure inside tkinter window. So I have created a canvas and I fix that figure inside the canvas object. At last I just get that the canvas and packed it inside the tkinter window.

# Embedding the graphs in tkinter window

from tkinter import * import matplotlib from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure

# Creating tkinter window win = Tk()

# Creating Figure. fig = Figure(figsize = (5,5), dpi = 100) x = [1,2,3,4,5] y = ["Debdut", "Sayoni", "Aishwarya", "Ankit", "Brata"]

# Plotting the graph inside the Figure a = fig.add_subplot(122) a.plot(x,y, marker = "o", label = "October") a.set_xlabel("Marks") a.set_ylabel("Students") a.set_title("Graph_Tk") a.legend() a.grid()

# Creating Canvas canv = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master = win) canv.draw() get_widz = canv.get_tk_widget() get_widz.pack() win.mainloop()

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Here I have explained how we can hide our password inside the Entry widget in Tkinter library. We need to call one parameter name "show" inside the Entry widget which will help us a lot.

# Importing the module name Tkinter

from tkinter import * win = Tk()

# This Entry widget will accept the password from user. pas = Entry(win, show = "*") = 70,y = 0)

lab = Label(win, text = "Password :") = 0, y = 0) def mark() : if var.get() == 1 : pas.configure(show = "") elif var.get() == 0 : pas.configure(show = "*") var = IntVar()

# I have used check button for my convenience.

# This will help us to to enable or disable the hiding the password. bt = Checkbutton(win, command = mark, offvalue = 0, onvalue = 1, variable = var) = 170, y = 0) win.mainloop()

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